Daytime protocol timestamp format

Advanced Time Synchronizer supports the format templates for Daytime protocol timestamp strings.

When Advanced Time Synchronizer connects a time server and received Daytime protocol timestamp string, it parses it by using following format specifiers:

space or underscore
Any text
Day in month
Month number 1..12
Month text (three letter abbreviation or full)
Year number
Time zone abbreviation
%z=ABB or %z=±hh:mm
Set time zone ignoring source string
%z!ABB or %z!±hh:mm
Read time zone from source string but set time zone from template
A health digit that indicates the health of the server. If e=0, the server is healthy, otherwise the received timestamp will be rejected as incorrect.
MJD is the Modified Julian Date. The MJD is the last five digits of the Julian Date, which is simply a count of the number of days since January 1, 4713 B.C.
msADV displays the number of milliseconds that NIST advances the time code to partially compensate for network delays. The advance is currently set to 50.0 milliseconds.


"15.02.04 13:13:04 CST"
"%d.%m.%y %h:%n:%s %z"
(date, time and time zone)
"15 Feb 04 13:13:04"
"%d %M %y %z=EST %h:%n:%s"
(date and time in EST time zone)
"13:13:04 EDT 02/15/04"
"%h:%n:%s %z!EDT %m/%d/%y"
(date and time, but change time zone to EDT)
"02/15/04 1:13:04 PM UTC"
"%m/%d/%y %h:%n:%s %a %z"
(date and time with AM/PM specification)
"53050 04-02-15 10:23:32 00 0 0 909.7 UTC(NIST) *"
"%j_%y-%m-%d_%h:%n:%s_%x_%x_%e_%v_%z(NIST) *"

When Advanced Time Synchronizer functioning as a local time server it sends Daytime protocol timestamp strings encoding them by using following format specifiers:

space or underscore
Day in month
Day in month (2-digit always)
Weekday text (three letter abbreviation)
Month text (three letter abbreviation)
Month number 1..12
Full year number
Two digit year number
Hour (2-digit always)
Minutes (2-digit always)
Seconds (2-digit always)
Add time zone abbreviation
%z=ABB or %z=±hh:mm
Use time in specified time zone, but not add abbreviation
%z!ABB or %z!±hh:mm
Use time in specified time zone and add its abbreviation
A health digit that indicates the health of the server. If e=0, the server is healthy, otherwise the received timestamp will be rejected as incorrect.
MJD is the Modified Julian Date. The MJD is the last five digits of the Julian Date, which is simply a count of the number of days since January 1, 4713 B.C.
msADV displays the number of milliseconds that NIST advances the time code to partially compensate for network delays. The advance is currently set to 50.0 milliseconds.
Day in year
Day in year (3-digit always)


"%d.%m.%y %h:%n:%s %z"
"15.02.04 13:13:04 UTC"
(date, time and time zone)
"%d %M %y %z=EST %h:%n:%s"
"15 Feb 04 13:13:04"
(date and time in EST time zone)
"%m/%d/%y %h:%n:%s %A %z"
"02/15/04 1:13:04 PM UTC"
(date and time with AM/PM specification)
"%j_%y-%m-%d_%h:%n:%s_0_0_%e_%v_%z(NIST) *"
"53050 04-02-15 10:23:32 0 0 0 50.0 UTC(NIST) *"
"Sun, Feb 15, 04 1:02:11am-PDT"
(date and time with AM/PM specification in PDT time zone)

Categories: Manual

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